Mailboxes are especially cute because we send cards. And when we get to make tiny ones and fill them with candy and deliver a mailbox…gah, adorable. We had fun on the Live today making these little treats, even though my camera wouldn’t orient the correct way! We powered through and made it work anyway. You can view the video here on YouTube:
Here are the mailbox measurements:
Patterned paper: 5-1/2″ x 3-1/4″, scored at 1/2″ on each shorter side
Plain coordinating Cardstock: 6″ x 5-1/2″
1. Place the plain cardstock in the trimmer with the 5-1/2″ side up and cut at 3/4″, set aside strip.
2. Rotate to 6″ side up and cut at 3″. You’ll have 2 equal pieces, set one aside.
3. Place one piece on the 4-3/4″ side up and cut at 3-1/4″. Discard cut off.
4. Turn same back to 3″ side up and cut at 1-1/2″ to get two equal pieces at 1-1/2 x 3-1/4″
5. Bring back other 4-3/4″ x 3″ and score on all sides at 3/4″
6. Cut flaps and notch them. Cut them on the long side so they tuck into the sides and not the front of the box.
7. Add adhesive to flaps and assemble box.
8. Bring back 3/4″ strip with 6″ side up. Score at 1/2″, and then move over to almost 1-1/4″ and cut. This is the front pull tab.
9. Cut two more pieces at 1/2″ to create two sides of the flag.
10. Rotate short side up and cut a strip at 1/4″
11. Trim this 1/4″ piece to 2″, this is the flag pole.
12. Assemble according to video. 🙂
I used Poppy Parade as my cardstock color along with the January 2021 Paper Pumpkin Kit – Sending Hearts and the optional add on. Email me at debjoysmeak@delightofmyart.com with any questions, to request a catalog or to be added to the email list. Join me on Facebook or YouTube at Delight of my Art.
Happy stamping!